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By Chip
April 15, 2021

Twitter Marketing Tips

Twitter is home to a very active and passionate user base. This social media platform has some nifty, native analytics features that can help you scale your business. It can be very lucrative to run targeted ad campaigns, especially if you know how to do them right.

Let’s cover three important Twitter marketing tips to consider when running ad campaigns.


The timeline measures all of your activity on Twitter within a given period of time. This data can give you a snapshot of the most popular times to post a tweet. Here, you can view all of the stats associated with your tweets including:

  • Likes
  • Favorites
  • Retweets
  • Replies

You can compile this information to see which kind of posts draw the most engagement from your audience. Whether it be polls, promotional materials, or giveaways, keep an eye out for the type of content that turns out to be the most popular on the platform.


Some of the most helpful analytics tools on Twitter are stowed away from plain sight. Bet you didn’t know that you can view the demographics of your followers broken down into a few different sections:

  • Interests
  • Location
  • Gender

The interests of your followers should be somewhat relevant to your business to maximize ad campaign effectiveness. Schedule your posts according to your active followers' location and time zones. Tailor your message for a male or female audience, depending on your analytics results. This outcome can also help you to create your customer persona.

Website Analytics

If you’re interested in carrying over your audience from Twitter to your private domain, try adding a website link in the “Add website” field. After, you’ll need to add a simple piece of code in the website’s header tag to verify. Once complete, you’ll have access to the following:

  • Link clicks
  • Page visits
  • Average visit duration
  • Percentage of new visits

Post tweets related to popular topics relevant to your business to drive link clicks to your site, then make the necessary adjustments on your site to improve your conversion rates.

Follow Chip for more marketing tips.

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