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Email Lead Capture

Screen with an email graphic

Email is a great way to organically convert customers after they have visited your campaign. As a result, building an email list has become a top priority for successful sellers.

Gif showing how to subscribe to receive email campaigns

How to build your email list in Chip

Overlay option

Option 1: Overlay

The overlay is a less obstructive email collection method that appears at the bottom of the screen.

To use an overlay for your campaign page, add ?emailcapture=overlay to the end of your campaign URL.

For example:

Option 2: Modal

The modal is a takeover of the full screen with a pop-up.

To use this feature, add ?emailcapture=modal to the end of your campaign URL that you are sharing or using for your ads.

For example:

Send email marketing campaigns

Once you've generated your email lists, send exciting email marketing campaigns to your recipients!

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